
Disclaimer (5)

Monday, 24 August 2015 09:12


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    To make PTPK Official Portal accessible to all users. To give guidelines on how to make the website suitable for your requirements. Should you need help or have any questions, please see F.A.Q or e-Complaint


    You can now view Skills Fund Development Corporation (PTPK) portal in your smart phone with the PTPK QR Code

    How to use the QR Code with your smart phone or Tablet:

    1. Download and install QR Reader Applications compatible with your smartphone or Tablet.
    2. Choose and active the QR Reader and scan the QR Code below with your Smartphone / Tablet camera.
    3. You will be directed straight away to the mobile version of PTPK Official Portal.



    As an effort to provide navigation facilities which are good and user friendly, This webpage also takes into account those who are more comfortable to surf this webpage in other languages than Malay and English. Therefore, this webpage provides the link to web translation engine which translates automatically to the languages of choice as those listed below only.

    Disclaimer: Please note that the page which will be displayed later after translations have been made is an automatic computer translation. The odds that the content will differ from the original cannot be avoided. We are not responsible on any damage or wrong information which might occur from the contents which has been translated. Official content is only at the original page which is in English or Malay.

Monday, 10 August 2015 09:31

Terms & Conditions

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Below were the use condition of the Skills Development Fund Corporation(PTPK) official website and the rights and obligations when accessing and / or using the services of this website.

If you are accessing this Website, it constitutes acknowledgment and agreement that you are bound by the terms and conditions of these general or specific conditions set by PTPK if applicable, and with these, constitute an agreement between you, the customer, and we, as service providers PTPK this Website for access and / or use of this Website.

Use of and / or access of the services will be deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions.


Limitation of Liability

You expressly understand and agree that PTPK not be liable for any loss, either directly or indirectly, related to special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill or other intangible losses as a result of:

use or inability to use this service;
the procurement cost of goods and services following the purchase of replacement goods, data, information or services obtained, or, messages received or transactions entered into through or from the Website;
unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data;
statements or actions of third parties on this Website; or
other matters related to the Website.



PTPK may provide links to other websites. Web sites are owned and operated by third parties and, therefore, PTPK has no control over such sites and resources. You acknowledge and agree that PTPK not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible for any content, advertising, products or other materials available from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that PTPK not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by or believed to be the cause of or in connection with use or reliance on any content, goods or services available on or through any such site or any resource.



PTPK may terminate your access to any part or all of the services and any related services at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice and with immediate effect. PTPK may also terminate or suspend your account for inactivity, which is defined as the failure to use the services of the website through account for a certain period. You agree that PTPK not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your access to the Service.


Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Service

PTPK have the rights to create, modify, delete, or add to the terms and conditions at any time, with or without prior notice. However, in an emergency or for the safety of the website or in circumstances beyond our control, where the need to change, modify, delete, or add to these conditions, it will do so without prior notice to you. It is agreed that you will access and review the terms and conditions from time to time for changes, modifications, deletions or additions. You further agree and accept that your continued access and use of the terms and conditions (as amended or modified from time to time) will amount to your acceptance of such changes, modifications, deletions or additions to the terms and conditions.


Modification to Service

PTPK reserves the rights to modify or terminate (or part thereof), either temporarily or permanently, at any time with or without notice. You agree that PTPK will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the service.



These terms and conditions shall be read together with our Privacy Policy, Security Policy, including "Surfing" Security and other terms of either specific or standard. If there is such Privacy Policy, Security Policy, including "Surfing" Security, and other terms of either specific or standard inconsistent or conflict between the terms and conditions, you agree that the authorities adopt PTPK terms of- the terms and conditions either specifically or in accordance with PTPK standard.

If any provision of these terms and conditions is unlawful or not authorized in law or regulations now or in the future, such provision shall be severable and these terms shall be construed as if the provision unauthorized did not exist and these conditions along with other provisions will be enforced without being affected by the provisions of the unlawful or unauthorized.

Monday, 10 August 2015 09:31

Privacy & Security Policy

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Dasar Privasi PTPK

Selaras dengan peruntukan Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (selepas ini disebut sebagai "Akta 709") yang mengawal selia pemprosesan data peribadi untuk tujuan transaksi komersial, PTPK di Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK) memberi anda notis seperti berikut (untuk tujuan notis bertulis ini, terma "data peribadi" dan "pemprosesan" hendaklah mempunyai maksud yang ditetapkan di dalam Akta 709):


Menerangkan cara pengendalian data peribadi yang dikumpulkan apabila pengunjung berada di Laman Web/Portal PTPK dan apabila anda menggunakan perkhidmatan yang disediakan. Dasar ini juga merangkumi pengendalian data peribadi yang mungkin dikongsi bersama dengan pihak lain untuk membantu penyediaan perkhidmatan yang lebih berkesan dan efektif.


2.1 Pengumpulan data peribadi dilakukan semasa anda melayari Laman Web/Portal PTPK, mengisi apa-apa borang, mendaftar apa-apa permohonan secara manual atau online, atau mendaftar akaun perkhidmatan online yang lain;

2.2 Semasa pendaftaran, anda mungkin diminta melengkapkan data peribadi seperti nama, no. kad pengenalan, alamat e-mel, tarikh lahir, jantina, poskod dan lain - lain data peribadi;

2.3 Semasa anda melayari Laman Web/Portal PTPK, data pengunjung juga direkodkan secara automatik pada log pelayan secara menyemak imbas pengunjung, termasuk alamat IP dan cookie. Data ini direkod dan dikumpulkan bagi membolehkan statistik capaian ke laman portal dapat dibuat agar penyampaian perkhidmatan dapat dipenuhi dengan lebih berkesan dan efektif.

2.4 Maklumat peribadi anda yang diproses adalah bagi tujuan-tujuan berikut:

  1. Menilai dan memproses permohonan untuk pembiayaan latihan kemahiran, produk atau perkhidmatan;
  2. Perkhidmatan mentadbir, mengawas dan memungut bayaran balik pembiayaan latihan kemahiran;
  3. Mentadbir dan mengatur semua produk dan perkhidmatan yang PTPK berikan kepada anda;
  4. Memberikan kepada anda maklumat lanjut berkaitan dengan produk dan perkhidmatan yang PTPK tawarkan
  5. Penyelidikan termasuk tujuan sejarah dan statistik;
  6. Promosi dan pemasaran ("pemasaran langsung") bagi produk dan perkhidmatan PTPK ("Pemasaran langsung") bererti berkomunikasi dengan apa cara sekali pun mengenai apa-apa bahan pengiklanan atau pemasaran yang ditujukan kepada individu tertentu;
  7. Memberi respon kepada pertanyaan-pertanyaan anda; dan
  8. Apa-apa tujuan lain samada secara langsung atau tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan PTPK.

2.5 Sekiranya anda gagal untuk menyediakan data peribadi atau menarik balik persetujuan untuk PTPK memproses data peribadi untuk tujuan-tujuan di atas, PTPK tidak dapat:

  1. Berkomunikasi dengan anda;
  2. Menyediakan perkhidmatan PTPK kepada anda; atau
  3. Mengakses bahagian-bahagian tertentu di dalam Laman Web/Portal PTPK di mana log masuk dikehendaki.

2.6 PTPK boleh memperolehi data peribadi anda daripada Penyedia Latihan Kemahiran anda, mana-mana agensi kerajaan atau mana-mana pihak yang berurusan secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan PTPK.

2.7 Pada masa yang sama, PTPK mungkin mengumpulkan data peribadi bukan pelanggan daripada anda (contohnya maklumat pasangan anda) apabila anda memohon sesuatu perkhidmatan. Anda perlu mendapatkan persetujuan pihak berkenaan sebelum memberikan data peribadi tersebut kepada PTPK untuk membolehkan PTPK memproses data peribadi mereka.


3.1 Pihak PTPK boleh menzahirkan data peribadi anda kepada pihak-pihak ketiga dalam melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi PTPK seperti menguruskan pembiayaan untuk tujuan latihan kemahiran dan mengutip bayaran balik, serta melaksanakan apa-apa fungsi lain yang diberikan kepada PTPK oleh mana-mana undang-undang bertulis, Pihak-pihak ketiga tersebut adalah sebagaimana yang disenaraikan di bawah (tidak terhad):

  1. Kerajaan Pusat dan Kerajaan Negeri;
  2. Agensi-Agensi Kerajaan/Awam;
  3. Mana-mana biro pinjaman/pembiayaan atau agensi yang diluluskan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia;
  4. Pihak bank dan institusi kewangan berkaitan;
  5. Penyedia Latihan Kemahiran / Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam dan Swasta;
  6. Sebarang organisasi yang dilantik untuk berkhidmat sebagai ejen PTPK;
  7. Sebarang organisasi untuk melengkapkan transaksi yang diminta oleh anda;
  8. Penyedia-penyedia perkhidmatan kewangan (contohnya:syarikat takaful);
  9. Penyedia-penyedia perkhidmatan PTPK;
  10. Sebarang pihak yang dilantik oleh anda (contohnya:peguam, penasihat kewangan atau juruaudit);
  11. Mana-mana pihak yang dibenarkan mengikut ketetapan undang-undang, Perintah Mahkamah dan/atau pihak berwajib dan kawal selia;
  12. Mana-mana agensi penguatkuasa;
  13. Mana-mana institusi kewangan, pedagang dan/atau persatuan kad yang bekerjasama dengan PTPK (contohnya: kad kesetiaan pelanggan);
  14. Syarikat telekomunikasi bagi tujuan makluman, promosi dan pemasaran; dan/atau
  15. Pihak-pihak lain yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan fungsi PTPK.

3.2 Selain daripada di atas, pihak PTPK berhak menzahirkan data peribadi anda jika dikehendaki berbuat demikian atas perintah mahkamah atau proses undang-undang.


Bagi memastikan data peribadi anda sentiasa tepat dan terkini, anda boleh meminta akses dan boleh membuat permohonan pembetulan, pindaan atau pengemaskinian data peribadi anda secara bertulis di Ibu Pejabat PTPK, melalui panggilan telefon ke Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan PTPK atau melalui e-Maklumbalas.


Laman Web/Portal PTPK menyediakan pautan ke laman portal lain pihak selain daripada PTPK. Dasar privasi yang dinyatakan ini hanya terpakai untuk Laman Web/Portal PTPK sahaja. Perlu diingatkan bahawa laman portal pihak selain daripada PTPK yang terdapat dalam pautan mungkin mempunyai dasar privasi yang berbeza dan pengunjung dinasihatkan supaya meneliti dan memahami dasar privasi bagi setiap laman portal yang dilayari.


Sekiranya dasar privasi ini dipinda, pindaan akan dikemas kini di Laman Web/Portal PTPK. Dengan sering melayari Laman Web/Portal PTPK, anda akan dikemas kini dengan data yang dikumpul, cara ia digunakan dan dalam keadaan tertentu, bagaimana data dikongsi bersama pihak yang lain.

Dasar Keselamatan PTPK


Teknologi terkini termasuk penyulitan data adalah digunakan untuk melindungi data yang dikemukakan dan pematuhan kepada standard keselamatan yang ketat adalah terpakai untuk menghalang capaian yang tidak dibenarkan.


Semua storan elektronik dan penghantaran data peribadi akan dilindungi dan disimpan dengan menggunakan teknologi keselamatan yang sesuai.

Monday, 10 August 2015 09:30


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The copyright of Skills Development Fund Corporation (PTPK) Official Website and its contents, including information, text, images, graphics, sound files, video files and their arrangement, and material therein, is owned by the Skills Development Fund Corporation unless specified otherwise. No any portion of this site may be reproduced, distributed, retransmitted, broadcasted, displayed, published, licensed, transferred, sold or otherwise distributed in any form without the expressed written permission in advance from the Skills Development Fund Corporation (PTPK).

Friday, 07 August 2015 10:24

Security Policy

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Data Protection

Leading technologies including encryption software is used to protect data and adherence to strict safety standards are maintained to prevent unauthorized access.

Storage Security

All electronic storage and transmission of personal data are secured and stored with appropriate security technologies.